Dogs are part of our family. Explore useful care tips and how-to information regarding dog health, behaviour and more.
Finding out your dog or cat has diabetes can be a lot to digest, learn all the terms so you can ask the right questions and stay on top of your pet’s needs.
Pets do not understand the holidays period which change their routines. Here are 6 tips to create a pet friendly home during Chrismas!
Infections diseases such as vector-borne diseases are showing up in new areas and more dogs are at risk for exposure. Find more here!
As a pet owner, you want your dog to have the best quality of life. Owners are able to recognize if their dog’s temperament is the same, they’re playful and active, seem comfortable, and enjoy their food normally.
Canine babesiosis is a tick-borne disease that attacks a dog’s blood cells and causes a range of signs.
Parvovirus, often called “parvo,” is a common disease frequently found in puppies, with deadly consequences. The last thing any new dog owner wants to hear is a diagnosis of parvo, which is why it is important for everyone to be aware of the symptoms and how to prevent this fatal disease.
The “DHPPi” and “DAPPv” are vaccines for dogs. The “D” stands for distemper, considered one of the most serious diseases your dog can get.
Technology can help pet owners improve their pet’s safety and wellbeing. Here are the pet tech trends that vets should be watching.
Pet parents of diabetic pets need to embrace patience to help their pets live a long and healthy life. Read the risks and complications here!
The signs and symptoms of pet diabetes are subtle. Read how to detect, treat and monitor diabetes in dogs and cats!
Proper management of diabetes in dogs and cats consits of a daily routine for the pet. It consists of four simple tasks, discover them here!
Health killer of you and your dogs! Now get to know the symptoms of worms in dogs, how to prevent and get rid of them.
The more you know about your dog, the better. Read the article for an idea of some questions to Vets that are frequently avoided.
In part 2 we bring you information on signs to watch for, disease treatments, and advice for keeping your precious pup protected from this blood parasite.
Ticks are small, but the harm that they can do to your pet and family is mighty. Learn about the various parasites that are transmitted by ticks.
Infections diseases such as vector-borne diseases are showing up in new areas and more dogs are at risk for exposure. Find more here!
As a pet owner, you try to protect your dog from risk as much as possible. Unfortunately, dangers are lurking right in your backyard or local park that can cause serious harm to your dog.
Summer is just around the corner, and while thoughts of long hot days usually conjure up all of the fun activities we do in the sun
Ticks are the enemies of your dog. Learn about blood parasites’ disease treatments, and advice for keeping your dog protected.
There’s a good chance that, whatever season it is where you live, you’re in the midst of a weather challenge right now.
As a pet parent, you probably know how annoying ticks can be to your beloved pooch and you’ve probably thought a lot about flea and tick prevention.
Learn how to keep your home safe for your canine friend, as well as other activities to consider to keep them healthy.
Is your dog overweight? One of the ways to determine if your dog is fat is to use your own eyes. However, it’s best to consult a vet!
If your pup is losing fur, scratching like crazy, perhaps showing reddened areas of skin, and you can’t find any fleas, then it could be one of several skin diseases called “Mange.”
Ticks, fleas and mosquitos can be more than just a pesky nuisance. In fact, these pests can also be major carriers of many potentially serious diseases that can affect both humans and our beloved dogs. Known as “vector-borne diseases,” pathogens, or disease-causing organisms, are spread from one host animal to another by these annoying little…
Do you want to buy a dog? Here are seven questions to consider before you even start looking for your forever friend.
Owning and caring for a pet is not as simple as it sounds. In this article we teach you how to learn to be a conscious parent to your pet.
Giardia infection in dogs may lead to weight loss, chronic intermittent diarrhea, and fatty stool. Know more about this parasite!
Ticks are small, but the harm that they can spread to you, your dog, cat, and family is mighty. Here are 8 diseases that ticks can spread.
Brown dog ticks are parasites that need to be avoided at all cost. Read everything about them; they can get into dogs, not just brown dogs.
Learn about the most common diseases transmitted by parasites in dogs and protect your dog’s health at all times. Discover them in this post!
Ticks are tiny, but dangerous creatures whose existence depends on your pet’s blood. Find out the most common myths about ticks to avoid catching some.
Fleas, ticks and other parasites are the last things you want in your home. It is important to be proactive and prevent parasites on your pet.
You and your dog share an unbreakable bond, that’s why it’s so important to look after your dog’s health. After all, your best friend really depends on you.
One of the best things you can do is take the time to understand the importance of preventative health measures, including vaccination for your dog.
Fleas are a common and dangerous risk to pets and can be a threat any day of the year. However, even if your pets spends most of the time indoors, there is still a risk.
Many people think that ticks can be found on their dogs only during Spring and Summer. In this article, you’ll learn where ticks lurk in your environment.
It’s easy to deal with ticks on a dog when you know where they flourish. Learn how to spot and remove them to keep your dog protected from harm.
At some point in their life, every dog has fleas. They are a common parasite that quickly spreads. Know what to look for and how to treat them fast.
It’s time to clear the air about fleas. Fleas are survivors and so you are! Learn everything about where fleas hide and how to find them.
If you have a dog and you’ve never had to deal with fleas, consider yourself extremely lucky. Fleas are one of the most common parasites affecting the health of dogs today.
Healthy homemade dog treats will have your dogs tail wagging. Click through for super easy recipes that your best friend is guaranteed to love.
Are you thinking about adopting a dog? Our list of essential dog supplies will help you make your life easier as you welcome a new dog into your family.